Star Wars III - The Backstroke of the West

This was originally posted on but as the page is no longer around I've put up a copy here for all to enjoy. This is one of the funniest things I've seen in ages!

Original post:

I saw revenge of the sith last weekend at a local theater with my friend Joe who was in town on business. It was much better than the first two movies and a fitting end (err.. middle) to the Star Wars saga.

The next day I was walking past my friendly dvd salesperson and decided to check out Revenge of the Sith. I was assured the quality was good and for 7rmb why not give it a shot.

Aside from the counters on the top of the screen and a distorted perspective it was ok- not high quality but watchable. The captions were a hilarious surprise- a direct English translation of the Chinese interpretation of what the script was saying. It varied from being somewhat close to the script to being 'far far away'....

Star Wars Epsiode 3

amazingly enough, the beginning scroll is mistranslated even though the words are right there on the screen.

Star Wars Epsiode 3 Star war (just one)

Star Wars Epsiode 3 'The backstroke of the west' is the English translation of the chinese title.

Star Wars Epsiode 3Anakin: "this is where the fun begins"

Star Wars Epsiode 3Obi Wan: "Let them pass between us"

Star Wars Epsiode 3 Obi Wan, space battle strategist.

Star Wars Epsiode 3Obi Wan grows impatient with R2.

Star Wars Epsiode 3 the chancellor warns Anakin and Obi Wan that Count Dooku is... big.

Star Wars Epsiode 3 Obi Wan assures the chancellor that it's no problem.

Star Wars Epsiode 3Count Dooku talks tough.

Star Wars Epsiode 3 that's Chancellor Palpatine speaking, talking about Obi Wan.

Star Wars Epsiode 3Anakin taunts General Grevious.

Star Wars Epsiode 3 the General fires off a snappy comeback.

Star Wars Epsiode 3 ummm... ????

Star Wars Epsiode 3Yoda: "Premonitions? Premonitions?"

Star Wars Epsiode 3 sounds like something Yoda might actually say... maybe.

Star Wars Epsiode 3Anakin is haunted by dreamses.

Star Wars Epsiode 3 troopseses!

Star Wars Epsiode 3Anakin gets frustrated with the Jedi council.

Star Wars Epsiode 3 this seemed completely random until I figured out that 'Jedi Council' was being translated into Chinese then back to English as 'the Presbyterian Church'.

Star Wars Epsiode 3Anakin: "Obi Wan, may the force be with you"

Star Wars Epsiode 3Anakin bargains for the life of his cuckoldry. Cuckoldry?

Star Wars Epsiode 3C3PO tells the amorous couple to get a room.

Star Wars Epsiode 3Obi Wan can't face what he must do.

Star Wars Epsiode 3Yoda insists...

Star Wars Epsiode 3 ...and explains that the person he once knew noed longer is.

Star Wars Epsiode 3Anakin tells Padme about his new virtues, now being both strong and big.

Star Wars Epsiode 3 Padme doesn't want strong and big- she also doesn't want to walk on a road meant for running about.

Star Wars Epsiode 3 Lier!!!

Star Wars Epsiode 3Obi Wan has heard enough.

Star Wars Epsiode 3Ii love this translation. Darth Vader is actually shouting, "Nooooooooooooo..."

Captions there be, mangled they are.